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My ideas: Ideas portal

Showing 102

Remove tags from drop down selection

Create the ability to delete tags within the drop down. It's obvious there are mistakes in there and it makes the list cumbersome. If the tag is in use - notify the current user who is trying to delete so the deletion isn't completed.
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Ignore Commas when URL hyperlinking

If you enter or paste a URL in the text box and then type a comma, the automatic hyperlinking includes the comma in the URL. The automatic hyperlink should just include the URL and not the comma. Commas in an actual URL are very rare and should al...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Enable updating users through import

As an Aha! Administrator, I would like to be able to manage user permissions by importing a file containing all of my preferences. This would be similar to how I can upload other data types, like features, in order to update various attributes by ...
Tom Beck almost 7 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Ability to customize questions on the idea form

It would be a great improvement to add some required questions to the idea form so we can gather the right data up front from the person submitting the idea. IE: Customer Use Case, Impacts Who, How Important?
Austin R almost 7 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Portal User privacy/confidentiality management

We want to provide the ability for our customers to share ideas, but also maintain client confidentiality. Masking client names is only possible though CSS and JavaScript which can be circumvented, and doesn't apply to email notifications. A syste...
Wes Gillette about 7 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Allow for editing of API in Custom Tables

I have the ability to change the API keys when creating items, but I don't have that ability in the Customs Table section. My only option right now is to delete the table and re-create it. Not a huge deal but a nice to have.
Mike Irving about 7 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Add a Watch feature to Idea Portal

As a Product Manager, I would like to "watch" an idea in an idea portal without having to commit either a vote or comment to it so that I can see how it's progressing and to be notified when other comment on it.
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Allow notifying the Admin Responder of a disagreement

I have seen a handful of Ideas marked "Unlikely to Implement" with an Admin Response that seems to not necessarily fully get the original Idea's intent. And it at least feels like once an Idea is marked as such, it won't be looked at again by Aha ...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run

Display (show) the AHA idea number (#) in the preview of the idea so it can be found and referenced easier or allow a report to be run I'm currently trying to create a list of my ideas so I can track them against previous Incidents or get people ...
Charlene Brennan over 7 years ago in User management 2 Already exists

Ability to add tooltip on the stages displayed on Idea portal

Ability to add tooltip on the stages displayed on Idea portal to be able to display expected timelines for the stages
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists