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Provide custom product structure visibility in reporting pivots

For larger portfolios of products, it's helpful to be able to report on the entire product portfolio in a summary structure and share it in Notebooks. It can also be especially useful during organizational transitions or transformations. Attached ...
Donna Sawyer over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Click cells in pivot table to view list of items contributing to that value

It would be great if clicking on the count, sum, etc in a cell in the pivot table would open a list view of the items making up that number. E.g. if I create a pivot on Ideas, with "product name" for the rows, and a count of Idea names in the cell...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration
156 VOTE

History for Reports

We use reports often to tailor Aha data for different audiences. Recently, those audiences have been looking for summaries of how the data in that specific view has changed over time. The changes can be pieced together manually by looking through...
Zach Rose over 7 years ago in Reports 25 Future consideration

Fix count records in pivot table

e.g. I have a custom table with a user field, when I put it into a pivot table and use the count method, although I have two entries under that field the count method only shows up as 1 when I would expect it to be 2
Wayne Allan over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Make Requirements data available for hierarchy report.

The hierarchy report is very useful, however it could be improved by making requirements data available also.
Brian Stanley over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow Funnel Charts for Reports

I want to be able to show a funnel chart of all ideas by status in an Aha report.
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Include a default Initiative column for Initiative URL

Ideas and Epics artifacts have default columns for the Idea or Epic URL. This idea is to provide the same for Initiatives in Aha. There are reporting scenarios where sending direct URL links to Aha artifacts is desirable for concise communicat...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to show / hide weekend on the Reports > Timeline

In the same way you can on the Releases > Roadmap view. Just so its easier to see where Saturday & Sunday fall.
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Color Pivot tables & reports by multiple factors

Currently you can color code reports by a single critera, depending on where that criteria is on the table, that might not have the desired effect, so I would like the ability to color code by more then on criteria, so 1 may color code the axis, a...
Jesse Stein over 7 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Having different calculation methods on pivot tables by 'row' and 'column'

Currently if you select 'Calculate' method for a pivot table it applies it to both row and column, however this isn't always logical. In the example of selecting 'difference' you might want the difference at a row level to show difference between...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration