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Show feature type on the retrospective report

I was using the retrospective report this week for a few teams to see if there were issues worth talking about with stakeholders etc. What I found missing was the issue type. Not sure if that would be in alignment with the purpose of the report, b...
Jennifer Lange over 1 year ago in Agile reports / Reports 0 Future consideration

Add folders to Reports-Dashboard drop-down

I love the Report Dashboard, but now that I've created a few folders, I want to be able to access them directly instead of going back to the main page. Add a Folders choice in the Reports drop-down. Extra points for selecting reports to be immed...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Reports 2 Will not implement

Allow group for pivot on repeat release phase names

Right now record values that are consistent are only grouped together if they have a relationship or a common selected value. For those that have the same value manually entered with no relationship, they are included as separate records in a pivo...
Dru Clegg almost 7 years ago in Releases / Reports 0 Future consideration

Make Hierarcy Report Dark Mode not look bad

What is the challenge? There are blinding white bars What is the impact? Eye Strain Describe your idea Make them not blinding white bars
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Granular Legend configuration for Charts

Hello AHA Team, i´m working with the new Chart Format. As there are less configuration options available any more, this chart drives me cracy. Please, give me back more granual configuration options. My chart shows a lot of different Categories as...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ignoring blanks or text in pivot avg calculations

Currently when using the "Within cells list as" average values in a pivot table, the tool seems to treat blanks and text like "N/A" as zeros, which drastically reduces the Avg. Specific use case for context: As a product manager, I want to underst...
Reut Levi almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to add a total to a pie chart

Pie charts are a great way to show # workflow/status split of epics in a release/ release train. I can show a count in each pie slice, but no easy way to show total count without changing from chart to pivot.
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Expand the list of available fields in report calculations

There are some fields that are not available in report calculations. It would be great if the list of available fields was expanded. Today I'm specifically looking to add "Release Theme" to a calculation.
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Ability to sort non-numeric columns in pivot charts by non-alphabetized sorting convention

Currently non-numeric columns on pivot charts are only able to be sorted by A-Z or Z-A for Ideas and Initiatives. It would be helpful if these columns could be sorted in a customized way. For example, if sorting by initiative status, the column or...
Karla Johnson over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Rename Pivot Table Column Headers

I really like how you can rename column header titles on list reports. This needs to be added to Pivot table reports too! With the new ability to add multiple roll-up items, the column headers are not clear. For example, we have a pivot table repo...
Brett Wilmeth over 2 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists