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Reports: Allow inclusion of Is not criteria in Filters

What is the challenge? When a large amount of values are included in a filter selection (we use organisation). There is no way to positively exclude a particular selectable value. Filters appear to act as an "in list' type of function whereas we w...
Martin W 6 months ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Filters for hierarchy report

In our organization we often times create hierarchy reports that show the product release, product master feature, and product feature. We typically want to apply the same filter to all three: specifying the same product name and release name. ...
Michael Faust almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Round report sums to days, weeks, etc.

Currently if you create a report which has unique records of remaining estimate (in days), if you try and sum the records it only shows the sum in minutes. Please change this so the sum can be shown in either days, weeks, or months.
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Scheduled delivery of quarterly/monthly reports

Who would benefit? Managers who need to review performance at regular intervals (e.g. quarterly, monthly) and those who prepare the reports. What impact would it make? Streamline the work of preparing reports by automating the assembly and deliver...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Link to folder from report

What is the challenge? When viewing Report details, the "Save in" location can not be navigated to What is the impact? When working with sets of reports in a saved folder, I spend extra time navigating back to Roadmaps/Folders/ instead of just cli...
Jon-Paul Ciambra 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Make it easier to see Favorites

What is the challenge? The only place I can find Favorites is from the views under Roadmaps > Library. What is the impact? As a new user downstream from Product management, I only consume information from Aha!. I marked reports made by someone ...
Guest 6 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Hyperlink fields in list reports

I really need to be able to create a calculated field that let's me form a URL via concatenation and display a clickable link on a list report. This would be identical to the HYPERLINK function in Excel.
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Enable record link display to be customised in reports

Who would benefit? All users What impact would it make? Record links which have been added to description fields can be modified to show the name of the record. When bringing this description field into a report the record link display reverts bac...
Stuart Blair about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Control Font Sizes and Column Widths in PDF Reports

When I create a report and save it as a PDF, in some cases the font size that is selected is just too small to be readable. This is particularly a problem if a column such as "Feature Description" is included in the report. It would also be great ...
Steve Ives over 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add "Align dates with children" to bulk edit

The new Gantt chart includes an option to align dates of parent records with their children. There are times when changes have been made to several records and those all need to have their dates re-aligned. It would be great if an option was added...
Austin Merritt about 5 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration