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Categories Reports
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 12, 2021

Hyperlink fields in list reports

I really need to be able to create a calculated field that let's me form a URL via concatenation and display a clickable link on a list report. This would be identical to the HYPERLINK function in Excel.

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    • Sheldon Radford
      Nov 13, 2023

      +1 for this. Including all but the most basic URLs is unusable in a report. Most URLs we use point to lengthy Confluence, Sharepoint or JIRA links, which clutter the view. Something as simple as displaying a URL field name as clickable text w/ hyperlink embedded would do the trick!

      E.g., for a URL field called "UX Spec" instead of displaying the full URL in the report just show "UX Spec" as a hyperlink.

      This also needs to carryover to any view embedded in Confluence via the Aha macro.

    • Guest
      Nov 1, 2022

      I'd definitely like to see this too. When creating custom roadmaps where you have business line and workspaces, the number of columns can get excessive very quickly. I tried to concatenate a field with workspace name and initiative, which worked great but then I lose the URL to the initiative, so I've had to go back to having a separate workspace and initiative column. Sad times.