Often times we work with vendors on specific features in our products. As it stands now, I have to provide them access to the entire project for them to collaborate with us. This is too much access. They just need to be able to interact with To-do...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Add a checkbox or radio button to reveal the start on / end on date fields in the feature editing dialog
In order to get the subject fields to reveal in the feature editor one must either add the feature to the release roadmap or another action I can't recall at the moment, neither of which is very intuitive. It would be more convenient to have a con...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Filter initiatives/releases available for linking to only Active items
When I am linking a release or story to an initiative, and over time my initiatives have grown to a list of over 40 initiatives, the list of available initiatives to link to doesn't fit on the screen and contains old initiatives that are no longer...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Filter out users who have not been assigned to features/master features
In Features Workflow and Master Features Workflow, exclude users who are not assigned to any features or master features. This also would apply to the "Assigned to User" filter when it is added to the workflow board; exclude all users who have not...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Add "resource constrained by" record link relationship type
In the universal dependency record link creation, it would be valuable to have an additional link type to indicate that an item isn't blocked from a technical or development perspective but that we just can't get to it yet based on current resourc...
Dru Clegg
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
As a Product Manager, I would like the Save Comment button to be visible when I'm entering a comment so that I don't have to scroll down to click the button after entering my comment. Not a show-stopper; just an annoyance. I can't just hit Enter b...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
Feature board - Allow rows to visually display features and other work items in multiple sections on a single board view
On my trello-like features board, i have broken down releases (columns) into quarters (Q1, Q2, etc). so, i have one 'release' that is named "Q3 2017". Within that release, I have a list of 'features'. I'd like to group the 'features' into actual g...
Preston Rutherford
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
BUG: master feature name doesn't display on the feature card unless a master feature exists for that product
In designing the feature cards for new products, the "Master feature name" doesn't display on the feature card unless a master feature already exists for that product, even though master features are turned on.
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists