What is the challenge? For data quality, we want to notify an Epic/Feature creator when then have forgotten to tie the record to an Initiative, Objective, or Key Result What is the impact? Work that should be tied to these is not visible, monitore...
Lorena Connolly
6 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
It would be great if, instead of just showing the underlying value, the scorecard metrics could use abstract labels... for example, for an 'effort' metric we might use t-shirt sizes such as "Small", "Medium", "Large" and "X-Large" behind the scene...
about 9 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
We have a field that exists on both our Features and Requirements, and that custom field is being used in our JIRA integration. When creating a new requirement, it would be great to have the field auto-populate from what is specified in that field...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Stop remembering my last search on the "Backlog management" page
What is the challenge? Every time I navigate to the Develop > Team > Backlog management page, the page is blank. It's blank because the page is remembering the last search I made. What is the impact? It's confusing. Takes me a minute to real...
Nathaniel Collum
9 months ago
in Backlogs / Features
Future consideration
Scorecard automated metric should allow you to select other scorecard fields
We have implemented two separate scorecards for feature cost and feature impact. This gives us more flexibility in reporting/filtering based on what-ifs. We would like to combine those two scores in an an overall feature score to use for prioritiz...
Rich Baldry
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Have workflow status change dates refelect the most recent date a status was set
The value of “Status changed to <status X>” for a feature workflow appears to perpetually contain the date of the first time that the status was changes to <status X> rather than the date of the most recent transition to <status X&g...
David Kettinger
over 8 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Feature IDs should change when moved from one workspace to another.
What is the challenge? Feature IDs do not get updated when moved from one workspace to another What is the impact? it is confusing to know where it actually belongs Describe your idea when moving an idea to another workspace/release, update the ID
Mary Daul
3 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Currently there is no way to have requirements update a feature's status when ALL requirements have a status in the category of In Progress. What is the impact? As we have multiple In progress statuses but do not always want...
3 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Rename product value field in non-product workspaces
The product value score terminology works well for workspaces where teams are building products. But in other workspaces it can be confusing. In these cases a more generic field name would be easier to understand.
Austin Merritt
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration