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Create a separate record for acceptance criteria

I'm new to Aha, and contacted support to ask about recording acceptance criteria. There suggest was to use a template in the 'feature' for both he story & the AC, which to be fair does work. But in the same way we can link requirements to a fe...
Jon Ellis over 6 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Provide a Prioritization template to allow a product line or workspace to "fix" default columns for any new prioritization report

Allow a "default" set of columns to be defined for Epic and Feature Prioritization reports. For larger organizations where investments are evaluated in common way, a default view would ensure our teams are consistent in the way this information is...
Chris Lenzo almost 2 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Show reference number in initiative lookups on the create view

When I want to add a feature to an initiative, I can open the feature and look up an initiative record to make my selection. That lookup shows me both the initiative name and the reference number. When I do that same action when creating a brand n...
Mark Crowe almost 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Master Feature release should be automatically established from Feature release info (i.e. inherit the last of the due dates of the features)

It is extremely inconvenient and the cause of much manual reconciliation that the Master Feature release (and date) isn't *automatically* established as the latest of the related Feature releases (and dates). So can the Master Feature release rele...
Mark D over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Update status of requirements on status change of feature

I don't want to change the status of each and every requirement individually when changing the status of a feature. For example, when I hand off a feature - which has 5 requirements, for example - to engineering to spike, they come back with a ful...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 4 Unlikely to implement

Capacity Report - pulling time from differing fields

We need the ability for the report to pull the estimate from a feature AND if there are multiple time estmates on the requirements tab , the aggregate of that time needs to overwrite the time range on the overview tab on the feature
Andrea Kavalesky almost 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 0 Future consideration

Quick way to reference existing Personas within Features and Requirements.

As a product manager, every day I am creating a new initiative (less often), feature and requirement. In the writing of User Stories, whether it's a feature or a requirement in Aha!, best practice is to mention the person for which the feature wil...
Matt Wagnon over 7 years ago in Features 3 Unlikely to implement

Ability to resize the flyout that opens when we click on features or other records from reports/board

We use most of the tabs that appear on features and other records often and now with the introduction of the custom tabs, even more so. One issue is that when you click on the record, only 4 or 5 tabs appear, and you cannot resize the flyout and i...
Arun Kalyanaraman almost 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

My Ideal Scorecard

Here's what I think would be ideal for scorecards, using a RICE model: Allow the user to select a text value that corresponds to the numeric score. This will help consistency across users and projects. So that a score for "Reach" might be expresse...
Bjorn Aannestad almost 3 years ago in Features 3 Future consideration

Move attachments (mockups) from feature to requirement

In the process of defining features, I create mockups and attach other files supporting the feature. Later, I'll break down the feature into product backlog items and I use requirements for that. It would be so awesome if there was a way to move a...
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration