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Link requirements back to ideas

If I promote an idea to a feature then convert the feature to a requirement on another feature, there's no reference to any of that on the source idea (it's just marked as 'planned'). This is how I'd actually like the 'link to feature' feature to ...
James Rutherford over 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

pinned ideas: ability to disable controlling the pinned ideas functionality

Requesting the ability to either disable the ability to pin ideas by portal or to allow for the selection of the portal that ideas can be pinned to. Many of our portals manage multiple products, allowing pinning for any product that is part of the...
Gaby Schernthaner over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Ideas via Email: How it handles CC'd Repsonses & Custom Email Address

I am looking into potentially using Ideas submitted via email as an option for a submit only portal linked to my already existing product but there are some limitations that would be useful to update: 1) being able to CC other addresses in the ema...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Will not implement

Include Ideas in Weekly Digest

We want to encourage our internal customers to submit ideas for tool improvements and business cases by regularly updating them with a Weekly Digest of idea-related activity: new ideas submitted, status changes, etc. We also want to display to o...
Benjamin Woletz about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Remove the field of 'Categories' in the Ideas object when there are no categories

Current when you create an Idea there is a field called 'Categories', however there are no categories configured for the Idea in question. When there are no Categories configured, could that field be removed as it looks odd being on the screen whe...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Custom layout for idea promotion

As a Product Manager I want to select an Initiative when I promote an idea to a feature so I don't have to come back and do it later or forget to do it. As a Product Manager, I may want to require that the Initiative field be filled when promoting...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Mark Fields on Forms "Internal Only"

We want both internal and external users to use the same single ideas portal. However, if internal employees are submitting ideas we would like to ask additional questions. Currently this would require two separate idea portals with 2 different fo...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Promote Idea to Feature within an Epic

When promoting an idea to a feature I would like to be able to define the "Epic" instead of the release that I want it related to. Not having this ability creates "orphaned" features that don't have an epic and I have to then find them again and a...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Auto-rank new ideas

Currently, when viewing unranked ideas and clicking the "move x records" button, ideas are automatically ranked last even if they have a product value higher than the lowest-ranked idea. Ideally, the system would consider product value and then pl...
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Promote ideas to goals

I would like to be able to promote ideas to goals and not just epic, features or initiatives. We use ideas to gather all request from our stakeholders and sometimes the idea is bigger then a i.e. features and we need to plan it in togheter with al...
Dagny Lydsdottir over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration