Initiative filter is not working in Idea Prioritization
Relate an Idea to an Initiative Set filter in Ideas/Prioritization for Initiative from above Refresh (although it does auto-refresh) Ideas does not display in Left panel - unexpected Using Tags until fixed.
Allow to set the created_at time when creating internal comments via API
While setting the "created_at" attribute when creating public comments for ideas via the API works smoothly, the same doesn't work for internal comments. The endpoint used is<IDEA_ID>/comments as a POST r...
Frederik Born
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
With UserVoice, we were able to add an NPS rating question to our submit forms, so while gathering feedback for improvements, we were also getting a general understanding with our customers' satisfaction levels. Would love to see this replicated i...
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow to remove public comments from ideas via API
We are just about to start using Aha! and thus have imported comments from our existing system into Aha! ideas which went perfectly fine. Though now we realized it doesn't make sense to have these comments public, but instead create them as privat...
Frederik Born
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement
URL link created by User Input (Part Number, Document Number, Invoice number, etc)
Need to automatically create URL link based on user input: May it be Part Number, Document, Invoice etc. User has one entry custom field, that is used in custom field worksheet to add URL address before and after the users entry data. Combination ...
Tomas Heydal
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
It's been requested from our own portal users that they have the ability to navigate between ideas in the portal based upon a previous idea and next idea links. Ideally this would navigate them through the current filtered list:
My ...
Mark Evans
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Mapping the feature "Estimate" field value from Idea custom field
We use a custom field at Idea level for sizing the efforts estimate of implementing a received idea. When we convert a selected idea into a feature, there should be an option to link this custom field to the Estimate field for Feature. This would ...
over 8 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
pinned ideas: ability to disable controlling the pinned ideas functionality
Requesting the ability to either disable the ability to pin ideas by portal or to allow for the selection of the portal that ideas can be pinned to. Many of our portals manage multiple products, allowing pinning for any product that is part of the...
Gaby Schernthaner
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Include Release Name in Ideas Portal Shipped Notification
Users of the Ideas portal do not know which release or version of the product their idea was shipped in. I need the ability to include the release name by product in the notification when an Idea was shipped.
Matt Wagnon
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Currently, when viewing unranked ideas and clicking the "move x records" button, ideas are automatically ranked last even if they have a product value higher than the lowest-ranked idea. Ideally, the system would consider product value and then pl...
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration