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Add Ideas to Ideas Page

Please add an additional tab on the ideas_overivew page that allows me to see my ideas in a the list. I don't want to go to a report every time.
Frank S about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Add reference to originating ticket in Ideas created from Zendesk agent

When a ticket is created by the Zendesk integration, and a reference to the originating ticket to the Idea in Aha.
Kevin Simon about 3 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Standardized idea portal settings

We need the ability to create an ideas portal template and apply that template to all of the portals within an account (similar to how custom layouts work today). Including the ideas portal template information in the workspace settings report wil...
Shannon Sauvé about 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

flag ideas as deleted, don't delete them.

I'm a member of the IBM RFE team - data architect. As a downstream data consumer of AHA REST API data I don't know when ideas have been deleted. There is no active 'this idea has been deleted' indicator. Therefore, in my downstream data I have to ...
Guest about 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Suppress idea promotion to Initiative

Our organization doesn't need the added hierarchy of initiatives. We want to remove the option to promote an idea to an initiative, so users of our workspaces won't accidentally do so.
Asim Dhital about 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Better history details

As a Product Manager, I want to look at the history of an item to see what has changed. Sometimes I see what I changed but, often, the details are missing; only a message that the idea was updated. This is not very useful. I would prefer to see wh...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Duplicate ideas should be suggested when adding idea in Aha! like in the portal view

When I try to add a new idea in the portal view, it suggests ideas that have already been added. This helps prevent me from entering a duplicate idea. This feature doesn't seem to work when you add from the AHA (admin) view, so I have no idea if ...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Customize default sort on ideas portal landing page

Currently the Idea Portal default takes you automatically to the Trending tab. I'd like to have the ability to select either the Recent, Trending or Popular tabs as the default view for users.
John Goodloe over 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

MBP touchbar auto complete is not compatible when adding content

For consistency across applications, it would be great to be able to use the Apple Macbook Pro touchbar to auto complete words which works across other apps/pages.
James L about 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

As a contribution user I would like to able to to retain formatting when I copy and paste into notes

Individuals use Aha! notes to provide end of week updates. Many of us prepare notes outside of Aha! and copy and paste them in but text formatting is not retained. Also MBP touch bar text auto correct is not compatible.
James L about 2 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration