What is the challenge? As a company serving a customer community across 22 countries the number of languages that can be supported is inadequate What is the impact? Inability to roll-out to all countries limiting the use of Ideas as well as necess...
Martin W
5 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Customize navigation in accounts with only Aha! Ideas
What is the challenge? There is a fixed menu in the licence which can not be modified What is the impact? Inappropriate or unwanted use of functions Describe your idea When using Roadmaps licence, the menu options available can be customised but t...
Martin W
5 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Explore Ideas only show "Group 1" "Group 2".... "Group 24"
What is the challenge? Can't easily identify why things are grouped together What is the impact? Medium Describe your idea Have the AI capable of handling more posts
We have restricted use of the ideas widget for desktop users based on the documentation provided, however mobile users are incredibly important for our product. Therefore we don't have any functionality for in-app user feedback for mobile users. M...
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Reviewers can create ideas from within in Aha!, but can't edit them or vote on them from within Aha!. For public ideas, a reviewer can go to the public portal and vote and add comments -- this helps. But for ideas that are not viewable in the port...
Suzanne Vaughan
about 10 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Some ideas and features are across products under the product line. The group product manager should be able to manage and prioritize these ideas/features at the product line level and be able to assign it to product/products if it goes across
about 9 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Ability to see feature & release information for a merged idea
Who would benefit? Folks using/viewing reports What impact would it make? Ability to see the feature & release information for an idea that was merged into another idea that does have feature & release information How should it work? If Id...
11 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I would like to be able to get notifications when a user from a specific organization submits or comments on an idea. Ideally, the ability to watch an organization; and send notifications to me in the same way that watching a workspace ideas works...
Madeleine Black
about 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to properly connect Ideas with Initiatives
What is the challenge? I can't effectively display ideas and features together for a given initiative. What is the impact? It looks like an initiative is complete if all the features are complete when it's not because there are outstanding ideas f...