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Display delivery risks at the release level

When using delivery risks it would be helpful to see risks at the release level.
Kristina Gass almost 2 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Utilize Tags Across All Areas (Releases, Ideas, & Features)

Right now, you cannot use the existing default "Tag" field (used in ideas & features) within release layouts. If I want to add tags to a release layout, I have to create a custom tag field and cannot re-use any of the existing tags that were c...
Connor Shay over 7 years ago in Releases 5 Future consideration

Request for Workflow type board for Releases

We would like to see a kanban type board view for releases. The columns of the board would be used to represent status, and the cards themselves would be the release objects. This view is already available for Features, and we would like this styl...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Releases 5 Future consideration

Releases, phases and to-dos

What is the challenge? Currently, with the way it Releases and Release Phases are set up, it is not possible to auto-populate start and end dates up from To-Dos. We have created Release templates to include phases and related To-Dos. Currently, wh...
Becky Lee 3 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Enable time range filtering of retrospective report

Who would benefit? PMs seeking to change manage their release What impact would it make? Aid adoption of the report to support release change management using an OTB capability How should it work? There is a date range picker today but this only s...
Aha@IBM about 1 year ago in Development / Releases 0 Future consideration

Set the release start date and have the release phases adjust to that date.

Currently when we set the Release Start date it does not adjust the dates for the Release phases in the Release template used. It will be helpful, if we set the Release start date then the Releases phases dates are adjusted based on the Start date.
Uma Prabhala over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Allow nesting of rollup releases

Rollup releases are very useful in organizations with complex and nested product lines and products. A top level product may have a V2.0 which is a rollup of three subsystems, a perfect use case of a rollup release. If each of the subsystems, in t...
Bastian Schoell almost 3 years ago in Releases 3 Future consideration

Allow approval groups to be assigned to release phases through templates

What is the challenge? Unable to automate release templates What is the impact? Have to manually assign approval groups to phases Describe your idea Enable approval groups to be added to the release template within the phase
Laird H 3 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Lock Release and Features

Once we have created a release and scoped all the items into it, it would be helpful if we could "soft lock" the features in that release. A soft lock could be an option on each release with a toggle and a message. Once the toggle is ON and a new ...
Guest about 9 years ago in Releases 6 Unlikely to implement

Create a roll-up release via API as like normal releases

We need an API to Create a roll-up release like normal releases we have now in the system
Guest about 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration