Improve capacity planning and feature boards by showing feature cards in each sprint it is worked on as a WIP until the release it is expected to actually ship
It would be really helpful to see a feature on every feature release board between when it started (got moved to in development) and to be able to apply story points to that feature for each release against the total estimate from a capacity plann...
Rachel Owens
about 8 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Provide the ability to define Release Naming conventions
In large organizations with multiple products and Product managers it becomes difficult to establish and maintain release naming conventions if the system cannot enforce it.
Russell Roach
about 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Export Full Release Roadmap to PDF, JPG, PNG, or HTML
It would be useful to have an export of the full roadmap for offline use, whether it's printed on paper, or simply as a file on a local machine. This would enable us to share the roadmap with people across the organization or in presentations, reg...
over 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
View previously released feature cards by swiping left
As a: Product Manager
I want: in /products/OL/feature_cards, view previously released feature cards by swiping left.
So that: I can more quickly locate older features, when communicating what we've delivered internally and with customers.
Yes, I k...
Al Sargent
over 8 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Ability to "Resend all Fields" for a Roll-up release that sends all fields for all sub-releases to Jira with a single click
I often change the release date of a master release. And I want the release date for each sub-release to be properly updated in Jira. That currently requires that I click each sub-release, and then click "Resend all fields" in order to update Jira...
Elizabeth Karam
about 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Remove clutter from portfolio screen for the product hierarchy
When viewing a high point in a complex product line hierarchy there is a lot of repetitive information. e.g. every release is replicated at each point in the product hierarchy. This could be simplified by only displaying releases at the next highe...
over 8 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Allow granular control of the "move feature to new release" modal
When I move a feature between releases I get the modal that asks whether I want to move all of the non-shipped user stories in the feature as well. I have two challenges with that modal: I don't have the option to move only a subset of those user ...
Matt Thomson
about 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration