Change order of releases happening on the same day
As a Release Manager, I can show releases in the order in which they will occur. Today, they are ordered left-to-right by their external release date but since we cannot specify a release time they tend to show in the wrong order. There are instan...
Tom Beck
almost 7 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Many actions on Release Planning module in Develop prompt you to add a release
This is more of a bug--whenever I take most actions on the Release Planning screen under Plan, or often even when I jump into the page to start with, I'm given a prompt to add a new release when I didn't ask to do that.
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Click Release to get to release detail instead of always going to the gantt chart
You have to dig hard to find where the release phases and milestones are listed. I still don't know how to get there directly, I just have to find a Details on the open release to get there.
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Dependency Icon for "Off screen dependencies" in Workspaces
We do a lot of dependencies across workspaces and would like the standard workspace Gantt view to have an option to show cross-workspace dependencies even if the other object from the other workspace has not been added or is removed from the the v...
Jamie Lefkovics
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Releases
Future consideration
Ability to remove Release Date (internal) - change of plans is the reason for wanting to remove the date (for now) so that I could articulate that this is not scheduled in for the short term, rather than push the date out.
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Option to select/de-select product and its releases from showing in searches and filters
We have a large number of products we've archived, so to speak, but don't want to delete. We put them in an "Archived" product line to be able to separate them out. But those products and the releases within them still show up throughout Aha! in v...
almost 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
when we first used Aha; the release view used to have the gannt chart within the 'phases' tab... where since you applied new gannt charts you replaced it with a small 'view gantt' button; a pretty annoying extra click tbh as the gantt view that wa...
Andrew Pearson
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
The status should be applied to a BR (feature) when a Need (epic) is changed or ask if we would like to align. I find much time is wasted doing this and often BRs are missed.
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
The ability to a capacity and monitor feature work against capacity is very useful but there are some small issues that prevent you from just monitoring the progress bar. The story points for Requirements marked will not implement are still counte...
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration