Viewing and searching features for shipped releases
It's not possible to see feature list in shipped release at all. Searching for features doesn't bring it up either. If this tools comes to replace PRD/ERD - deleting any record of implemented features is not a good idea.
Alona Gian
almost 6 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Make tiles in dependency map visualizations customizable
The dependency visualization is very useful. I'd like to be able to customize the contents of the tiles like in the Feature tiles. At a minimum, adding the Product Name is critical since you will only see Release Names in the current form and ther...
We'd like to estimate and plan releases based on velocity (rate of story point completion) rather than capacity (static value).
This would enable more dynamic calculation of release capacity given a target release date and velocit(ies) over the d...
Ability to hide/archive releases on Releases | Details view
Shipped releases can be filtered out on the Release Roadmap view, but this filtering does not carry over to the Details tab. Because we release every two weeks, I already have to scroll way to the right to see my current and scheduled releases and...
Kalyndra Craven
almost 9 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
What is the challenge? When reviewing the history of an epic/story/release, I have to search through many pages to locate what I need. What is the impact? Significant reduction of time spent searching for historical data Describe your idea Add an ...
Tashia Mossman
8 months ago
in Releases
Already exists
BUG: Release statuses are not sticking in roadmap view
What is the challenge? I update the status of a release in the roadmap view and within a minute or so it reverts to showing as "under consideration" which appears to be the default view. What is the impact? Not accurately reflecting the state of a...
Copy/ Share a Release Template between Product Line
I created a detailed release template at the product line level, and I would like to share that with other product lines and other products. I could not find a easy way to do that without recreating the release template at the product line level.
Joshua Deixler
over 5 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
What is the challenge? Need somewhere to record risks associated with a project What is the impact? offline solution which means I don't have everything I need in one place Describe your idea a simple risk log template that can be added under a re...
I need a way to compare versions of Features/Requirements in a Release
Before pushing a release to Jira, we do reviews of Features/Requirements with engineering. This may happen several times and we end up with multiple versions of the Release details. This makes it hard to compare the difference between the old and ...
Aldon C
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
As PM I should have direct visibility to changing a Release Date, so I understand why I can't make the Release Date dependent on Milestone dates. However, I would like to be alerted anytime a Milestone that my release is dependent on, is scheduled...