The circular diagrams in the strategy section(Vision & Diagram) do not visualize well on today's browsers and monitors. Text is too small, data overflows. A more simple Left to right hierarchy would be more understandable, sharable and viewable.
Steve Lapp
almost 10 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Personas can be 'mentioned' using # in a text editor
As a #productmanager, I would like to easily use a # to reference personas when I am defining a feature. This would work just as it does when using a # to refer to features or epics - typing #persona_name would search and find that persona. A litt...
Kelly Sebes
about 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Personas custom field: add option to show only records in the current product line or parent product lines
Currently, when selecting the Filter field values to Product Line on the persona custom field, it shows all records that are a descendent from the root product line.
It would be helpful to have an option to show only records in the current produ...
Craig P
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Strategic models templates for Lean Product Canvas and Lean Strategy Canvas
What is the challenge? There's a new Lean Product Canvas and Lean Strategy Canvas posted by Jeff Gothelf. Here's a post with more. What is the impact? Teams using Aha! can create their own custom templates for Strategy > Models. Curious if thes...
Craig Pflumm
4 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We are reviewing strategic records from past time frame and have to create and configure reports as we traverse through the objects and years. What is the impact? For administrators who are guiding clean-up being able to on-...
Michael Bruner
4 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
It would be great if we could see the template while creating goals. While filling this functional equal consideration for everyone will be so much helpful.
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Initiatives can currently be created in one product line and be used across many different products and product lines. Goals cannot even though they are a natural extension of this concept. In my use case I have initiatives and goals that are fulf...
Dave Tucker
almost 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
As an organisation we are measuring the idea process against strategic goals. We can capture the goal an idea is working towards but cannot report progress against it.
Mark Seymour
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? A field on the initiative is not available for import What is the impact? We have to manually fill in the field Describe your idea At beginning of year we form our new initiatives and want to set strategy in Aha. We sometime...
Joe Decker
5 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Allow turning off colors for initiatives and goals (or making them all the same color)
Probably the most common question I get from everyone in my org who uses Aha is: "what do the colors mean?". The fact that a random color is assigned by default to all goals and initiatives is not helpful at all and only confuses people.
Tessa Adair
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement