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Wrap text for initiative names in initiative chart

What is the challenge? The initiative chart is hard to use when initiatives have long titles. What is the impact? Difficult to select and interact with initiatives. see the attached image as an example of the problem. Describe your idea. We would ...
Joe Granville 7 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add support for key results in Automations

What is the challenge? Now that we have the ability to cascade Goals/Initiatives from an Epic to its related Features, we need the ability to cascade Key Results as well to complete the Strategic Alignment picture What is the impact? Only cascadin...
Lorena Connolly 7 months ago in Strategy 4 Future consideration

Allow Custom Worksheets to filter out archived records

What is the challenge? Filtering out Archived data from current data What is the impact? Impacts custom worksheets and reporting Describe your idea make the "Initiative Archived" value reportable so that it can be filtered in custom worksheets Cur...
Chris Vellucci 7 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Rendering Framework Steps as Pills

Framework step URLs do not render as pills when pasted into notes fields of Aha! In the same way that other record types do. It makes cross-referencing steps less visually appealing and slower to do because a standard text link has to be created.
Steve Dagless 8 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Rank Initiatives

What is the challenge? Products often have more than 1 initiative to support goals. What is the impact? Teams don't receive clear consistent direction on prioritized initiatives Describe your idea Add the ability to Rank initiatives such that the ...
Penny Gerstner 8 months ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Add option for adding use cases

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Guest 8 months ago in Strategy 1 Will not implement

Section that describes a market or market environment

What is the challenge? Documentation general market information is missing. What is the impact? Missing a dedicated place under Strategy --> Market, leads to the fact that this type of information will be somehow captured in separate documents ...
Steffen S 9 months ago in Strategy 3 Already exists

Have option to exclude initiatives with archived timeframes from parent initiative progress

What is the challenge? If you have a parent line initiative and have its progress set to calculate from child initiatives, the calculation currently includes child initiatives with archived timeframes. What is the impact? There are scenarios where...
Maria Plotkina 10 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Include custom fields on Key results in csv import

What is the challenge? I have a list of key results that include data for custom fields I've added to my key result layout in Aha! I need to import them, but I cannot add the data from the custom fields to be included. What is the impact? Bulk imp...
Bonnie Trei 10 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Manage Risk Records or Filter

What is the challenge? the risks management report does not allow me to delete records from the view. link: What is the impact? Describe your idea Hi - I am looking for a way to a...
Guest 10 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration