The competitor functionality right now represents the company rather than the products it markets, with products being represented as bullet points in the description. You therefore can't do things like e.g. have different pricing or strengths/wea...
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Strategic Initiative workflow view does not save settings
I’ve added customized settings for the initiative cards in the new strategic initiative workflow view. The settings keep returning to the default. The settings should be saved as part of my profile and I shouldn't have to keep entering them.
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Focus on more product portfolio views based on bubble charting using values such as revenue/# customers ect
This way we can do better portfolio management as we have several products and from a top down view we would like have. This will help managing the portfolio. I belief Aha should focus on product management and keep away from the development proce...
almost 10 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
I want to set a lot of goals for the product and the product team. I associate these with iniatibes, which are like company / product objectives.
Iniatives can have dates (start & end), but Goals do not, just a text-based time frame. I wou...
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
My company & SLT desperately needs the new re-order capability at the Initiative Level. The ability to quickly drag & drop Inititatives across all products in the correct order & report on it would save so much time/money since we are ...
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
With current competitor info in Aha!, information entered is static and based on manual hit-and-miss research. It would be VERY cool if I could go into Aha and import competitor info from a source such as Crunchbase (which has their own API for do...
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration