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Expand "Link to..." capabilities to Strategic Positioning and Strategic Models

As a Product Manager, I would like to use the "link to" functionality to link initiatives to Strategic Positioning entries and Strategic Models using a "relates to" linkage. This would help various product and engineering teams to see how these in...
David Korim almost 4 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Filter goals and initiatives by more than one attribute

As a Product Manager, I would like filtering across Aha! to be consistent, not different depending on what I'm trying to filter. In strategy (initiatives and goals), I can only filter by one status category Or one status OR one time frame. In re...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

On our way to Initiative Roadmap Nirvana - Priority 3 of 3 - Ability to see the size of an initiative in story points or time

First, we LOVE the new Strategy / Roadmap option. Our company maps features to epics, and requirements to user stories, so initiatives are exactly the level of detail we want to use to communicate with our executives, and also to communicate to t...
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Initiative view filters and/or columns

As the initiative count goes up, the Strategy -> Initiatives screen becomes less and less useful due to the lack of filters. I see two improvements that would make this feature much more useful to customers that do significant planning (which r...
David Marble almost 6 years ago in Strategy 5 Shipped

Add ability to link releases to an initiative from the initiative.

When working through a list of initiatives, it would be helpful to be able to link them directly to a release rather than having to open a release and find and link to the initiative.
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 4 Shipped

Ability to move goals to different products

At the moment you can move initiatives and features to different products, but not goals. You can even clone a release from one product to another. However you can't move a goal from one product to another. This is a pain when restructuring a lar...
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 7 Shipped

Global ranking among initiatives

We have a need to have a global ranking among our initiatives across products & product lines. Today there is no good way in Aha! to have a forced ranking among the portfolio initiatives. Sorting initiatives based on e.g. score doesn't help ei...
Marcus Gadré over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Enable the ability to add a strategic roadmap to dashboard

Strategic Roadmaps are a really useful tool in communicating to stakeholders the trajectory and status of initiatives and the teams that those initiatives are dependent on to deliver succesfully. However I want to on 1 page show metrics like RAG s...
Andrew Brooks over 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Put the current product at the top of every Initiatives and Goals pick list to save users lots of time

Currently, when you open the initiatives picker, it just shows all initiatives grouped by workspace, with those workspaces being in alphabetical order. This is a a hassle because I would almost always want to link to an initiative within the works...
Todd Meyer over 4 years ago in Application / Strategy 1 Shipped

Sort Initiative Roadmap by Product or Color

The primary sort for the initiatives on the roadmap is by start date. There is no available configuration for the secondary sort, it is hard coded to be alphabetical. I would like to show a different secondary sort (ie by product to show product l...
Jamie Burr over 8 years ago in Roadmaps / Strategy 6 Shipped