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Showing 4

Ability to track key results values over time

What is the challenge? When OKRs are enabled, there are 3 fields to track: Target metric Starting metric Current metric However, there is no ability to track changes to these values over time. The need is highest for the "Current metric" field. Wh...
Emily Yankush 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Likely to implement

Be able to filter on archived timeframes

Today when a timeframe is archived, it no longer appears as an option when adding a filter on a timeframe. It is possible to report on archived goals and initiatives using a filter to show archived records, but it makes it difficult to report on t...
Max Robbins 7 months ago in Strategy 0 Likely to implement

Moving Competitor records from one workspace results in a mixed view of data

When I move a competitor record to a new workspace, I am left with a mixed view of data. The record details remain visible on the page even though the record itself no longer exists in the workspace I am viewing.
Nick Hays over 1 year ago in Strategy 3 Likely to implement

if you move a competitor to a workspace that has no competitors. it looks screwy

After I moved some competitors to a workspace that had no competitors, i went to view them and they looked entirely empty, with only a name, description and threat score or something. I thought maybe my data had been lost, so i added a new competi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Strategy 4 Likely to implement