my saved view would export to excel & I could delete extra columns, now I get to export it as a pdf, and then attempt to copy/paste into excel - not a fantastic use of my time
about 2 years ago
in Features
Already exists
It would be awesome to be able to add automation rules for Features or Epics. For example, if a Feature state is set to At Risk, then the related Epic & Initiative can be set to At Risk. Or, when the first feature related to an Epic or Initiat...
about 2 years ago
in Features
Already exists
We like the report view that shows all the release milestones on a timeline. It would be great if shipped milestones showed the green tick mark like they do in the Portfolio view.
almost 9 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Ability to suppress Product Line level custom fields from products
We have some custom fields that we want only to appear at the Product Line level, specifically for Master Releases and PL Initiatives. We'd like a way for them not to appear in Product Initiatives or Releases. As it stands now we just need to inst...
Most software provides some sort of "super user" training that will enable a user to be very well versed in the product so they can communicate tips and tricks to others without of the burden of having everyone review a long video in order to get ...
Rachelle S
about 2 years ago
in Training
Already exists
Currently it is not possible to add comments and send to project members at the release level. A classic example would be "I have updated the release date for this release to push back by a week". It is not appropriate to add this comment to a spe...
I want to add a multi-select custom field to the ideas portal but I can't currently do so. We use the Ideas Portal as a mechanism for internal people to request new features they need for client implementations and need a multiselect so they can c...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists