The current default roadmap has absolutely no color and very few options for display. When creating pivot tables it is really easy to get into a circumstance where everything looks fine until you get it into a browser window. We have m...
Nicole Hardin
about 6 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Show Capability ID along with the name in selection drop down within feature
When adding a capability to a feature, it would be nice if it would also show you the capability ID like IDWS-E-115 instead of just IDWS- and then the capability name. Most of the time I don't have the name but the ID instead and I have to flip ba...
Jodie Carson
about 6 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Being able to set start and end dates by typing in addition to choosing from calendar
To make assigning longer time periods easier, it would be nice to able to type the date in addition to choosing it from the calendar. Especially beneficial for initiatives which tend to last for a longer time, might be useful also for features.
about 6 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Allow Timeframe to be used for filtering in Worksheet fields
As part of our maturity review we want to quickly understand if a particular workspace has planned their Initiatives and Goals in the current Timeframe (e.g. this year). To do this we'd like to create a worksheet on the workspace object, but the f...
Michael Bruner
about 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Display all to do's to owner and assign primary assignee
Currently you only see to do's which you created or which you were assigned to you. As an owner, I want to see all to do's planned in my team, without having to be assigned. Currently I need to assign multiple people just to let them know that the...
about 2 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Feature Support for Averaging Scores from Multiple Contributors
As a product owner, I would like the ability to elicit and average scores from multiple contributors, so that Aha! aligns more with my backlog grooming prioritization process.
Joseph Gehling
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Currently, in "Features/Board" and "Features/Roadmap" view, you can hover over an initiative icon and a tooltip will appear showing you the initiative title. However, with goals, this doesn't work.
Would it be possible to add tooltip on hover supp...
about 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
We have many users that have asked me for the ability to search for a Feature based on it's Jira Key. Currently the only way to do that using the Search box is for them to add the Jira Key to the Feature description, and they don't want to have to...
This is really just for fun, but I personally like the ability to enable the "sketch" style under the editor in Confluence. I use it extensively as it makes the notes a little bit more fun to read. I noticed that the editor in Aha!...
JP Guyon
about 4 years ago
in Mockups
Future consideration