Provide the ability to map the Release field from a Feature or Epic to an external system such as ADO
Given that AHA is all about releases and ADO is all about time lines, the concept of a Release in AHA is quite different than what exist in ADO - yet there is a Target Release field in ADO as well as in the Feature of AHA - please can this be expo...
When creating a pivot report, I want the ability to consolidate data into one column so that it save me time in reducing column widths and makes the report more readable
Specifically, I would like to add the progress bar for a release to the release name. This will save valuable real estate on the report, and would save me manually moving column widths etc
Andrew Brooks
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Notifications for @mentions should include my name so I know it's for me
When someone mentions me on a feature, it would really be great if the email that I get said something to indicate that. As it stands, the subject reads:[AHA] PERSON commented on FEATURE It's not descriptive, and it caused me to miss a bunch of im...
almost 9 years ago
in My work
Already exists
In the custom roadmaps by default you can view the release dates as a tool tip. It would be nice to show custom tool tips/annotations either in addition to the release dates or as a separate annotation allowing the user to view multiple tool tips....
Rhonda S
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
on 'add new filter' screen, add tooltip or text to show what record type the filter relates to
If I am filtering for release date, this filter could relate to the release tied to a feature, or to a master feature, or to a initiative, or goal, etc. If I have a view that has more than one of these data elements, it isn't obvious at all - it i...
Jill Collins
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When filtering features by epic, I would prefer to not see epics that have already shipped. On the features board, anything that has already shipped with a release should not be included because it clutters the list of values that I really need to...
Tom Beck
over 5 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Dynamic automation rule to email an assigned user of new to-do
Love that you have an automation rule set to create to-do's once an idea is assigned to a user without creating multiple automation rules for multiple assignees Could we go one step further once the to-do is assigned to a user. To be able to trigg...
Victoria Morrella
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
When scorecards are applied to a product line, updates to the scorecard should not be applied to released epics. Since notifications for scorecard changes cannot be suppressed, changes to the scorecard result in a massive flood of email notificati...
Rachel Hiatt
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration