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Goal with status category "Will not do" should not appear as a selectable Goal for any record

When a Goal is "abandoned", the out-of-box Goal workflow has a status for that, using the "Will not do" status category. The benefit of this behavior is that the history is viewable and reportable. However, a Goal with a status category "Will not ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Automatically create new copy features in other workspaces based on feature tags

Who would benefit? Any product owner that has multiple workspaces or multiple tiers of workspaces. What impact would it make? Reduce the amount of work by creating tickets once instead of copying and moving. Further, changes in the feature in one ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Show shipped releases in mobile iOS app

Who would benefit? Mobile users What impact would it make? Allow me to use this on the road How should it work? Would like to have a filter to allow seeing shipped releases as i do open releases on the mobile app. Right now they're hidden and no o...
Dave Frauenhofer over 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Future consideration

Add 'Team' field for Asana integration setup

Please support setting the "Team" field in the Asana integration.
Moustafa Aly over 1 year ago in Asana / Integrations 0 Future consideration

Allow "product" name to be customized in the product hierarchy

Terminology changes the product name in the menus, but the name "product," as the type or hierarchy level, can't be changed as part of the product hierarchy, like you can change product line names. This is confusing for reporting, because the new ...
Melissa Hopkins about 8 years ago in  4 Already exists

Add placeholder text to templates in the text editor

Aha! allows me to create templates for my features (and hopefully one day for notes). My feature templates often include instructions for users. I typically style this a certain way so the user knows it's just help text. It would be great if I cou...
Nathaniel Collum about 4 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Add more choices for timing in automations

Add three weeks, five weeks, six weeks, seven weeks, three months, four months, and five months to the choices for when each automation step is due.
Guest about 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Copying a release - phase to-do's are copied in reverse order

We are creating release 'templates' within each product with pre-set phases, milestones and to-dos. We then copy that release for each new release so standard action items are automatically created. When adding to-do's to a phase or milestone, I a...
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in  0 Already exists

Link Initiative Rank to the Initiative Score for accurate Ranking

If you are looking at a Rank field, one would assume it's based on the only mathematical formula on the record. Our teams don't use the chart - we use a score - so the current Rank field is essentially useless now - when we hoped it would be linke...
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Unlikely to implement

Link whiteboard boxes to ideas, features or initiatives

Who would benefit? Product Team What impact would it make? Speed up the planning of new features and initiatives as we wouldn't be duplicating work and can see linked items How should it work? On the Whiteboad, we can already convert a box / item ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 1 Already exists