When visualizing record links be able to customize the view to show aha reference numbers, release name, etc.
If you have a master feature you can’t easily link from the master feature to an existing feature. This really, really should be fixed and is probably the preferred way since you can already create a new feature in any product from a master featur...
Gavin Saldanha
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
We'd like to push for additional filtering on integration candidates. Recently, we ran into an issue where a PO accidentally imported an epic that was not within an integrated JIRA project (let's call it JIRA-ABC). The reason was because a story w...
Anh Truong
almost 4 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
I would like to modify the AHA search results screen to display 2 more columns of data, ‘Type’ and ‘Platform’.
Hi, I would like to modify the AHA search results screen to display 2 more columns of data, ‘Type’ and ‘Platform’. This would save us a ton of time, because now we have to open each search result record to try to find the type and platform we are ...
almost 7 years ago
in Search
Unlikely to implement
Have you thought about having an option to cascade the aha score for a Master Feature to all the features contained in it? With an option then to over-ride on a feature by feature basis. This would allow users to quickly apply scoring to features ...
almost 8 years ago
Unlikely to implement
I'm trying to add a bunch of Related Links to a feature. But the only way to do it is by hitting the + Add link button and entering one link at a time. It would be very help and reduce work by a huge amount if there was a way to bulk edit the Rela...
Anthony Lau
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Currently, we use zapier to push kanban card to the aha platform. However, it would be great for this to be a seamless integration where changes to cards in kanban also update the relevant features in Aha!
almost 4 years ago
in Wanted
Future consideration
We have the ability to auto-populate new releases into a Features roadmap.... I would like to do the same for features. Here is how I currently have my roadmap set up: Releases - auto-populate (filter by statuses Planned, In Progress, Testing, Pre...
Carah Counts
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I would like Aha! ideas portal search to consider the Admin Response when searching for ideas.
Who would benefit? All Customers who are using Ideas Portal for submitting enhancement ideas and product team members who need to review and merge duplicate ideas What impact would it make? Will reduce the duplication of ideas by pulling up the mo...
Mark Slykhouse
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Show capacity planning details view parent information and group other rows by parent
Who would benefit? This would help to keep capacity planning updated faster What impact would it make? Easier to see related information example all tasks that have same parent grouped and parent name where they belong to How should it work? Now i...
Mikko Kylmälä
12 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Who would benefit? anyone using Kanban and want's accurate process measurements What impact would it make? Better insights into the flow of work in your system, better forecasting of future work without having to ever ask for estimates that are mo...
Mike Lowery
12 months ago
in Wanted
Will not implement