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Knowledge base/note table of contents default to collapsed

What is the challenge? When the TOC is displayed by default expanded it can hide information on a 1st screen without scrolling What is the impact? May dissuade customers from getting the important information if they don't scroll Describe your ide...
David Goodwin 6 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

when creating an feature in Aha! use the same pop up window in the white board as the feature board

What is the challenge? When you create a feature in the features board you can define the fields to be captured. When doing the same in the whiteboard it doesn't do the same functionality What is the impact? mandatory fields could be missed as at ...
Rob Stebbens 6 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Bring Back the "EPMP Only" tab in Aha!

What is the challenge? Lost functionality as the "EPMP Only" tab has been removed in Aha! What is the impact? The EPMP team uses the "EPMP Only" tab in Aha! Describe your idea Until yesterday morning (8/6/24) the EPMP team had a tab in Aha! that w...
Guest 6 months ago in Application 1 Already exists

Allow Portal Users to switch already posted comments to private

Who would benefit? Aha customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Allows employees to correct their mistake if they posted a public comment that should be private How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, allow port...
Angela Frey 12 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ability for portal users to flag a comment as inappropriate

Who would benefit? Aha Customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Crowd-source moderation How should it work? When viewing comments in the portal, a portal user should be able to flag a comment as inappropriate. This would then tr...
Angela Frey 12 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Disable comments at portal level

Who would benefit? Aha customers with strict governance What impact would it make? Enable control over commenting How should it work? In the absence of other comment moderation tools (I have voted for multiple ideas around this), at least allow me...
Angela Frey 12 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Improvements for story maps with many features

Story maps are pretty much broken when you have a lot of features. A few things could make this easier: Enable a way to add an epic WITH its features; right now, I have to add an epic, remember what features it had and add it to a user story map E...
Nir Soffer over 4 years ago in Epic 2 Future consideration

Add Custom fields in the TO Do

We would like to have "color state" and other fields in the To Do object to help us filter and track the ToDos
Vered Yosub almost 3 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

API Access Logs

As an admin, we are addressing logging and monitoring policies in our company. We would like to capture a log of API calls made to a specific Aha instance. We are aware that you have an activity webhook that will notify our system of every change ...
Victoria Morrella over 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Increase the maximum number of records returned by the API

Who would benefit? Users who are using the API to build reporting out of Aha! (e.g. Power BI) What impact would it make? It would reduce the number of API calls that need to be made to retrieve large amount of records How should it work? Instead o...
Nicolas Andrillon 12 months ago in API 0 Future consideration