Who would benefit? User teams that do a lot of repetitive work with contextual differences What impact would it make? It would help keep backlog items consistent and reduce the time needed for repetitive work created with necessary data relationsh...
David I.
about 1 year ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Allow workspace owner to grant additional permissions when access is given at the line level
What is the challenge? When users have been given access at a line level, workspace owners below that line cannot give them additional access (i.e. if someone is a reviewer at the line level a workspace owner in that line cannot make them a contri...
Julia Pence
10 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow additional Link Types in the 'Links to' field
Within AHA we are mapping
Releases -> ADO Release Work Item
Master Feature -> ADO Epics
Features -> ADO Features.
Master Features need to be located in the Release in which they complete. But Features (that contribute to this Master F...
Empathy sessions are really cool - but in practice I have found that it would be great if we could do the meeting over video, and then have the transcription generate the current text-based empathy session interface. Each comment could have a time...
Alex Bartlow
about 3 years ago
Future consideration
Remove Requirements from custom Feature Card layout
We would like to remove "requirement" from our custom feature layout as this adds "too many layers" to the work. We want to utilize "to do" only within our workspace.
Carolee Snarr
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Increase the maximum of 1,000 cells of data in pivot report
We are doing capacity planning and have over 50 teams. We would like to see all of the epics in the scenario's capacity plan by team by month, but cannot because we are hitting the maximum of 1,000 cells. In order to see all of the data on one rep...
Diane Landante
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to see more than the last 200 logs in Aha-Jira Integrations
Sometimes we need to investigate synchronisation errors between Aha! and Jira. We can find these errors long after an initial error might have happened. We might need to go back to the original error which may have happened months ago. The limitat...
almost 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
When creating a new Ideas record, you cannot add new Tags values like you can in the same field on the edit screen
When working with Ideas directly in Aha! (not via the Ideas portal) there is a discrepancy with how the Tags field works. On the Create ideas form, the Tags field does not allow you to add new values (see attached Create Idea Tags field no results...
John Gartner-Baca
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration