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Customize the release date strings

As a release planner, I want to be able to customize the strings that we use to identify internal and external release dates so that the description has a meaning that makes sense to the people in our company (currently it's "Release date (interna...
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Add organisation as related record

Currently, we can put many types of records as related records. But the organization is not part of this list. Currently, we need to create custom fields to map records to them, and we cannot see from the organization page all the related records....
Jeremy Fourna about 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Epics/Features board to allow columns built on filters (as well as releases)

While Aha! is obviously very focused on development and release planning, I often find myself wanting to use the board to organise and plan around areas of functionality ('features' in the broader sense) or initiatives, client work, etc.. Till now...
Guest about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Expand all Goals or Initiatives to see all descriptions

In the Goals and Initiatives pages, you can see the list of Goal and Initiative Headings, but you can't expand all of them to be able to read the descriptions as well. I would like these pages to to be able to 'expand all' so I can scroll and skim...
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 2 Already exists

Let me visualise multiple dimensions of the Competitor Charts

I want to have a way to visualise all of the metrics in my Threat scorecard. Either let me have two charts, or figure out a multidimensional charting mechanism (spider chart?, 3d chart?) The basis of my internal roadmap is showing how we are compe...
Guest about 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Show a list of watchers rather than their avatars on Aha! objects

It would be valuable to toggle/show a username list of watchers on an Aha! object.Currently watchers are only shown as their small avatar image. It can be difficult to recognise individuals either because their avatar image is too small, is not a ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement

Floating License

We have around 10 users that need to use AHA! but only 6 that generally ever need to use it concurrently. Right now, we accomplish this by activating/deactivating accounts as needed. It would be great if the user licenses tracked user concurrency,...
Oleg Yazvin over 6 years ago in Account settings 1 Unlikely to implement

Sort field by multiple fields in pivot reports and custom roadmap without displaying other fields

On pivot report and custom roadmaps, we can sort by fields that are not displayed in the report, but you cannot sort the same field by multiple other fields. Previously, it was possible to add fields to sort and then remove the fields from the vie...
Nolan Cain about 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Add the option to templatize Description/Body of Ideas, Features, Initiatives at workspace level

Add the option to templatize Description/Body of Ideas, Features, Initiatives at a workspace level.
Guest about 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

When an Idea is promoted to a Feature, copy the Score from the Idea to the Feature

When an Idea is promoted to a Feature, copy the Score from the Idea to the Feature. This is currently not possible via Automation.
Guest about 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists