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Update status of requirements on status change of feature

I don't want to change the status of each and every requirement individually when changing the status of a feature. For example, when I hand off a feature - which has 5 requirements, for example - to engineering to spike, they come back with a ful...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 4 Unlikely to implement

Paid Seat Transparency Across Aha! API

When calling get-all-users in the API we receive the field “paid_seat”. This field is not included in any other get-user calls inside the API, not specific user, or user by product. This is a problem. In February we had around 500 hundred users. W...
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 1 Unlikely to implement

Master Feature release should be automatically established from Feature release info (i.e. inherit the last of the due dates of the features)

It is extremely inconvenient and the cause of much manual reconciliation that the Master Feature release (and date) isn't *automatically* established as the latest of the related Feature releases (and dates). So can the Master Feature release rele...
Mark D over 7 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Capture/Show Custom Field Creator

It would be very helpful if it were possible to see who has created a given custom field so that 'admin' type users can easily determine who to contact about questionable field additions/associations. For context: even with restricted customizatio...
Joe Buehlmeyer almost 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Select All in Filter After Typing Criteria

Currently, when using the Feature Name filter in reporting, if you search for a word/phrase, tons of possibilities could possibly show up in the filter and you have to manually select each one. In my case, I searched "Rules" in our Feature Name fi...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Automation Rule

1. Do we have option to set Automation Rule to convert idea to feature automatically based the status change? 2. Do we have option send promoted feature details to the original Idea submitter? 3. When feature is created status with in-design , it ...
Barathi S almost 2 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Quick way to reference existing Personas within Features and Requirements.

As a product manager, every day I am creating a new initiative (less often), feature and requirement. In the writing of User Stories, whether it's a feature or a requirement in Aha!, best practice is to mention the person for which the feature wil...
Matt Wagnon over 7 years ago in Features 3 Unlikely to implement

Have an option to remove the redline (that represents the current day) on reports

When exporting, often the reports are viewed days or weeks after the initial export. The red line causes confusion and also is a poor visual experience for viewers of our reports and roadmaps.
Guest over 7 years ago in Roadmaps 5 Future consideration

Additional Filtering on Integration Candidates

We'd like to push for additional filtering on integration candidates. Recently, we ran into an issue where a PO accidentally imported an epic that was not within an integrated JIRA project (let's call it JIRA-ABC). The reason was because a story w...
Anh Truong almost 4 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

See features added to a sprint

Work moves in and out of my sprints day-by-day. I want a way to see only what's been added to the sprint so I can understand why they're not converging to their ideal state.
Jeff Tucker almost 3 years ago in Agile reports / Sprints 0 Already exists