Inherit the hierarchy of the area paths from Azure Dev Ops
When integrating with Azure Dev Ops, the area paths should inherit the same hierarchy when represented in Aha. For example, hierarchy in Dev Ops could be: Company/ Company /Functional Area Company/Functional Area/Team The Aha Azure devops integrat...
Add ability to add custom field to portal user table
My product services customers from two different industries and in multiple different user roles. I need to do analysis on what type of user is accessing the idea portal itself to evaluate portal adoption. Ideally need a way to collect and analyze...
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Dependancy Map using already existing relationships
We have an Epic (Initiative) - Feature - Requirement breakdown structure. It would be very useful to be able to visualize the dependencies using these existing relations instead of requiring to add separate link specifically for the dependancy map.
Kenneth Palm
about 8 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
Ability to run a report that lists all virtual users and which teams they are part of
We have been using the advanced capacity planner and used that to define allocation of our engineers by teams. We are trying to get the list of our virtual users with the various teams they are defined as part of. We are looking for a way to expor...
Hide Master Features from selection list when Master Feature has been released
When creating a feature and linking it to a Master Feature, the Master Feature selection list shows every Master Feature created. We need the option to hide/remove the display of Master Features that have been Released or Closed from this list.
over 6 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
As we have multiple integrations with different names setup and each feature is tied to one of them, it would be very beneficial to see which card belongs to each integration at a glance. Please add "integration name" option to feature card custom...
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Have a Release Workflow Custom Status trigger the Send to JIRA action
In the end I just want to be able to manage the Send to JIRA trigger action via either my Features Workflow or my Releases Workflow. Send to Dev to me equates to send to JIRA. I will want to make sure my status is updated throughout, so I will alw...
over 9 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
We want to make all Epic fields read only for Epics with 'Done' status, as it makes sense that done Epics should not be changed / edited anymore unless reopened. We applied a custom layout for 'Done' status in a workflow; however, it seems that 'N...
Hank Liu
over 1 year ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Depedendent questions would be the ability to have future questions that are triggered by the previous. Effectively, poll takers would never see all the quesions but rather the relevant ones based on their responses. This would allow a poll taker ...
Martin Baugh
about 2 years ago
in Polls
Future consideration