Many applications give you the option to embed active content into office products. It will be difficult for Aha to ever give the same level of flexibility. We would like instead to be able to embed active content into powerpoint (any aha report, ...
David G
about 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Ability to customize the list of requirements within a feature
Currently, the list of requirements within a feature is fixed and only contains 3 columns:
Requirement #
Requirement Name
It would be great if we could customize the columns to display. In my case, the status is not that important to see ...
Pascal Begin
over 7 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Limit Workspace Permissions for User with Product Line Owner Permission
We need an ability to Limit Workspace Permissions for User with Product Line Owner Permission.
Currently "Users with access to product lines also have access to their underlying products."
Use Case:
We have a number of Product Operations Workspace...
Alex B
almost 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Note publication and distribution by email on a schedule
What is the challenge? I have a note that contains multiple Aha! views and is presented as a management report on the system to show activity, usage, voting, analytics on customer ideas. In order to view the report (e.g. Senior Managers who do not...
Martin W
5 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
What is the challenge? when a Note is defined in the system including Aha! Views this is displayed correctly to users with Aha! named licences (Ideas Advanced) within the application. However if the note is published to a portal, the embedded view...
Martin W
5 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Publishing Reports on Portal Custom Pages workflow is not intuitive to the user
What is the challenge? As a new user of Aha! and after having read the release notes it is stated that Reports can be published to Ideas Portals. However, the documentation on the Aha! Knowledge Base and application settings are not consistent wit...
Martin W
5 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
When creating a pivot table, you can choose to summarize the values in the cells using the "Within cells list as" option. In some cases, the summarized values need formatting. For example, if you have a list of percentage values in you cells and y...
Austin Merritt
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
In pivot reports, Aha! offers the options to "Within cells list as:" counts, sum, avg etc. It would be very beneficial if we could filter on this numerical options, especially on counts and unique counts (since it's not a standard option offered w...
Reut Levi
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Provide formula access to the idea associated promoted item
I'm creating various reports and custom worksheets (Enterprise+), where I can get information from the Feature to the Idea which generated it (to be more precise the idea which was promoted to a feature). It would also be very helpful if somehow I...
Nicola Rolando
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration