Exclude completed ToDos from summary counts on Features and Initiatives
Who would benefit? everyone What impact would it make? large How should it work? When I look at a Feature or an Initiative and see a count of "todo"s, I would like this count to exclude completed items so I can focus on only those items which requ...
Julia Bauer
about 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Engineering managers & team leads sit "in between" Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop. They more than just team owner permissions, but not full workspace contributor permissions. Key use cases Team leads can provide initial estimates on features b...
I often add one person as a watcher to many features. And I often add many people as watchers to one feature. I think it can be easy to add watchers both cases if bulk import with CSV is supported.
over 7 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to select only one user from the "User Field" custom field
Currently the "User Field" (custom field) in Aha! allows you to select one or more Aha! users.
It would be useful to have a "User Field" whereby a user can only select one user. This is important for us, as one of our User Fields sycnhronises wi...
Component lookup by numeric id for relationships, hashtag referencing etc
Currently, when looking for a specific component via relationship or when using "#" in a note/comment etc and you know the id, you always have to put in the whole id including the workspace prefix. If you only use the numeric id, you don't see any...
almost 3 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
Make toggling between create/view layouts more obvious within the custom layout editor
The custom layout editor allows you to define the layouts for both the view screen and the create screen for a given record type. The admin needs to toggle between these 2 view types using a drop-down at the top of the screen. This drop-down was n...
Mark Eaves
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Within an ideas portal, using the search ability will return ideas that match on all of the words. When searching from the Salesforce integration, the results are different since they are matched on any of the words. Utilizing the same search meth...
As a Product Manager, I would like to control which products can have ideas. There are a couple of way to provide this capability: disable ideas on a product-by-product basis, restrict ability to create ideas within the portal by user or role, rem...
Tom Beck
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Im using a pivot table to compare side by side multiple results from scorecards. It would be very useful to use the colour by function to heat map the results to spot patterns visually
James D
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I don't want to show any number at all. One of our primary goals was to be able to single source roadmaps for multiple target audiences and very few of those need any kind of reference identifier for features that we're discussing at a largely glo...
about 7 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement