Ability to create stories and to-dos linked to their parent entity without having to open the detail screen
To make it easier to keep the data clean it would be very helpful if users could create entities without having to open the details screen.
This will come into consideration in the following scenarios:
Ability to create To-Dos and Stories from th...
Rachel Loewenthal
about 6 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Notifications for @mentions should include my name so I know it's for me
When someone mentions me on a feature, it would really be great if the email that I get said something to indicate that. As it stands, the subject reads:[AHA] PERSON commented on FEATURE It's not descriptive, and it caused me to miss a bunch of im...
about 9 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Add Ability to Filter in Feature Board View on Estimated Effort Points Field
We often sort our work based on what has been estimated with effort points and what hasn't. We would love to be able to use the Board View and filter on Estimated Effort Points so that we can see at a glance what needs effort points still.
Danette Colin
almost 8 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Private to-dos. Todos are visible to everyone. This causes issues with security and legal .
Add a checkbox to "To-do" creation which makes the to-do visible to only the creator. This would be great for legal teams and security teams who may have to dos that are specific to their orgs but shouldn't be visible organization wide.
over 3 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Allow users to unsubscribe from notification of changes they make themselves
I know what I've changed.. I don't need a notification for it. :) Atlassian allows it in JIRA and Confluence and everyone I work with has taken advantage of it.
over 4 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Allow viewing items assigned to me from Parking Lot
We are one team that consists of a number of product managers, working on the same product. Some features are being owned by one product manager, while some requirements in that feature may be owned by another.
Currently My Work view displays onl...
Dina Neishtadt
over 9 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Delete To-Dos when they have been reassigned to another user
Because I was one of the first people in my company to gain access to Aha! I have been the one creating most of the user stories (features), requirements, and To-Dos, so they automatically are assigned to me. When I go in to change the assignee to...
Danette Colin
over 8 years ago
in My work
Already exists