When creating and editing features, the Details board is often the most useful view. The one thing I can't do here is drag feature cards to set their relative priority. We aren't using Score consistently enough to be able to Order by Score.
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
The Bulk edit screen only allows you to select from existing tags when applying tags to a group of records. When a user wants to add a new tag to multiple records, they first have to edit one of the records individually to create the new tag and t...
Nico Arias-Gonzalez
about 2 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Report on a document (or whiteboards) created by user
It would be helpful to report on document and whiteboard created by users as we can with other Aha! records in an effort to audit who is creating notes and where within the account. This detail is also helpful in identifying the author of document...
Justin Waldorf
about 2 months ago
in Notes / Whiteboards
Planning to implement
What is the challenge? I want to be able to organize ideas by workspace inside Aha! but not expose that complexity to my customers in the portal. What is the impact? I can use the ideal workspace organization inside Aha! for managing ideas. And my...
Kelly Sebes
3 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Updated treatment for PIs within my Develop team line
Currently all PIs are shown in my team line regardless of timeframe/status/progress. As time goes on, my list of PIs only grows (new PIs are added to the bottom of the list) and I’d like to have a way to remove/sort/filter which PIs are shown so I...
Justin Waldorf
4 months ago
in Program increments
Future consideration
There are no notifications currently when someone edits a whiteboard. In collaborative whiteboards, I want to be notified about activity such as when someone adds items to a retro whiteboard, or really anytime. The notifications don't need to be h...
Todd Meyer
4 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
CMD+Click should open a 'pill' link within a note into a new tab
I frequently use CMD+Click on hyperlinks to open the link into a new browser tab. This previosly used to work on the ‘Pill’ for embedded links inside Aha! notes, but today I noticed it is not.
Differentiate Story Points for Bugs and Technical Tasks When Combining Acceptance Criteria with Story Points
What is the challenge? We are currently unable to differentiate the story points for bugs and technical tasks when we combine acceptance criteria with story points. This limitation prevents us from creating a holistic view of the completed work an...
When I’m mentioned in Aha! or in an ideas portal, I would like my mention to be highlighted in a different color than other mentions. This will make it easier for me to know exactly where it happened.
Nicolás Hock Isaza
9 months ago
in Application
Future consideration