Ability to format how text appears in relation to an image in Notes
What is the challenge? When adding an image into a Note that's meant for a Knowledge Base, there is no flexibility to control how the text wraps around an image. What is the impact? This limits how we are able to create notes with images that shou...
Jeff Bye
4 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Develop users What impact would it make? Currently users are able to move to-do records to all other roadmap record types (goals, releases, epics, features, etc), but not iterations. Iterations already support to-do's so this wo...
Brittany Rhoney
8 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Add option to delete child notes when deleting a folder
In Knowledge, when a folder is deleted, the child folders/notes are not deleted with it. It would be helpful to present the user with an option in a modal to delete just the folder, or delete the child folders/notes as well. Though you can use Shi...
Emily Yankush
8 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Choose unit to display effort values (such as estimates) in the pivot table
If a feature or requirement has an estimate of 5 days, then the corresponding estimate will count as 40 hours in the pivot table (for example when the requirement's estimated effort is summed as the cell value). This can result in figures that are...
almost 9 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
It would be really nice if I could generally "undo" a change made to a release plan or an accidentally deleted feature etc. rather than having to redo work if I just unintentionally hit the delete button. The auto-save function is nice but no abil...
Eva Humphrey
almost 10 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
When adding features from the prioritization board, choose where they're placed
What is the challenge? When adding features from the privatization board, they are automatically added at the top of the priority queue. However, we have had PMs in our organization that this is annoying and might not want them added at the very t...
4 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow filtering by organization on the ideas prioritization view
What is the challenge? Unable to easily create a prioritization view for a specific organization. What is the impact? I'd need to manually add ideas to the prioritization view based on a separate report to segment the ideas for a specific organiza...
Kristina Gass
4 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Users in planning phases, not yet ready to commit future work to a Feature/Epic yet. What impact would it make? More information and context to a whiteboard item to determine where it should be planned. How should it work? Curre...
Joe Decker
8 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration