Improved UX for setting up multi-product ideas portals
In order to set-up a multi-product ideas portal, you need to first set-up a portal for a single product and then add additional ones into it. This seems a bit counter-intuitive from a UX standpoint. It may be better to allow users to specify an id...
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
For complex products, the ability to add a RACI model would be helpful.
Ability to capture names, titles, email addresses of involved stakeholders and/or other product/project participants - especially those that would be not be using Aha...
Lori Anderson
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Ability to configure navigation at the account level
Currently when we set up a new product we have to configure the navigation each time to add things like the list view for features and ideas. As these two navigation items are something we would like for all products it would save a lot of effort ...
For mobile feature development its very common to have the same feature implemented multiple times on different platforms. Its quite difficult to managed this currently in Aha I'm having to copy the original feature and then replace the descriptio...
Darrell Massie
over 5 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
It would help to be able to share a created strategic model template between Aha! accounts.
Once a strategic model template has been created it could be shared by, exporting to a file and then importing into the destination account.
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement
Log in button not visible to a new user when he/she first visits the portal. It is below "filter by categories" section and hard to locate. Can log in button be below "add a new idea" button or on the top of the page so its visible to the new users
aamli agarwal
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Automatically populate certain fields from an idea submission when promoting to feature or master feature
There is certain information that we need in a feature or master feature card which exists from the original idea submissision. We would like the ability to set certain fileds to copy through when promoting the idea. This avoids having to re-enter...
Dan Jeffery
over 5 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Remove the ability for alternative sign-in after SSO is enabled
We need to enable Multifactor SSO for our enterprise by April 2020. We would like the ability to remove the alternative means of signing in. Is it possible to move the "Log in with email and password" now that SSO is enabled? If we can disable tha...
Marina Reyna
over 5 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists