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Automatically populate certain fields from an idea submission when promoting to feature or master feature

There is certain information that we need in a feature or master feature card which exists from the original idea submissision. We would like the ability to set certain fileds to copy through when promoting the idea. This avoids having to re-enter the information when it already exists in Aha. The solid example we have is a predefined tags field to identify which customer(s) the idea relates to which is populated when the idea is created. We need this information in the feature or master feature card as there is huge value in sharing it with our Engineering teams via our integration with Azure DevOps. At the moment we would have to create another custom tags field and maintain 2 seperate lists to ensure they stayed aligned. If we could select the data to be copied across from the idea it would avoid unnecessary clicks and admin, as well as avoiding potential user error.

    Jun 29, 2023

    Thank you for the feedback!

    When custom fields have the same type and key, their values will automatically copy from the idea to the promoted item. You can learn more in this article.

    In the case of predefined tags, the tag values will be copied if the value is also an allowed option in the promoted record. This does require that an admin keep the list of allowed tags up-to-date for ideas, features, and master features.

    Instead, you may want to consider using a regular tags field on ideas, features, and master features. The idea submitter would still be restricted to using existing tags, but the promotion process would be able to create a new tag on the feature if needed.

    Feel free to reach out to our customer success team at and they will get back to you quickly for any further assistance!

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    • Nerissa Muijs
      Jun 29, 2023

      I'm trying to find more info on this, and the link in the admin response above seems to redirect to the knowledge base landing page. Can you provide an updated version?

      1 reply
    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Oct 11, 2019

      Great! I'm glad that helped. Based on your use case, you may also be interested in following this idea.

    • Dan Jeffery
      Oct 11, 2019

      Thanks very much! I didn't know this existed :) We can't use a regular tags field as the list is over 500 and there is no way to bulk edit unless using a predefined tags field.