Ability to specify the date granularity on an axis when creating charts (e.g. day or summarize into weeks or months)
I would like to create a chart for a dashboard that shows the number of features with a status change to "released" in the past 3 months. However, when I do the x-axis of the chart shows individual transition dates while I would like to have it su...
Greg Horlacher
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
add custom date/timestamp label to output of "Manual snapshot"
Seems to me that most owners/publishers will desire the *option* to place an explicit date/timestamp on the output itself… in a fashion similar to the one suggested in exchanges with your webinar team: ‘As of XX/XX’ convention. Perhaps you actuall...
over 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Include contextual information with Todos in summary email
Currently Todo's in the summary email do not include any contextual information - for instance a Todo attached to a feature, does not include that feature name.
Often when I am writing Todo's I will assume that context, so for instance a Todo migh...
almost 9 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
It would be great to have a facility to profile key customer stories in the same way that we can competitors, this would assist in communicating value propositions in line with our product strategy.
A default template could include:
Overview, Reas...
Fraser Mayfield
almost 9 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
We have reviews (or "checkpoints") before and during the release where we reveal to stakeholders what we are doing in the release, the priorities, etc. We want to create notebooks to convey this information. After we have the checkpoint meeting, h...
almost 9 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Add Release Phase End Quarter as an option to report on Release Phases
I need to pull reports based on the release phase end quarter, not just the release phase end date. For example, the column heading would be 'Q4 2016' instead of the actual phase end date of Dec 31, 2016. Using release quarter does no good if the ...
Kalyndra Craven
almost 9 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Ability to format a custom Date field to be used on layouts
Currently we can create a custom date field only 'mm/dd/yyyy' format. Would like to have the option to format the date field to show only 'Month, Year' as typically we would have release dates projects to months and not exact dates. Would like to ...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow users to unsubscribe from notification of changes they make themselves
I know what I've changed.. I don't need a notification for it. :) Atlassian allows it in JIRA and Confluence and everyone I work with has taken advantage of it.
over 4 years ago
in My work
Already exists