When comparing ideas, I'm interested in relative effort and the resulting quadrant classification. However, almost all of our ideas have effort in the range 5-40, and this puts all of them in the "Maybes" and "Easy Wins" quadrants.
I'd like to be ...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Ability to link the workspace / product record to more record types.
Currently it is only possible to link the Workspace / Product records to the following record types: Persona Competitor Creative Brief Strategic Model Workspace Settings This limits the ability to create a report that shows how many products/works...
Justin Woods
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Make submitter of an idea anonymous after the idea is processed (in a DONE-state)
Due to the GDPR-regulation about data minimization, we (in the EU) are required to remove personal information, when it's not needed any longer. When an idea in an ideas portal is processed and ended up in a DONE-state, it would make our life rema...
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Provide access to settings values for use in custom headers
In cases where a Custom Header is required, items like Title, Portal URL, logo, etc., still need to be displayed. Providing access to these values, much the way is done in the email settings, for use in custom headers would allow the customization...
over 4 years ago
in Branding
Future consideration
When using the Idea Chart and clicking on an Idea to display the details drawer it is displayed over the chart obscuring it. It woul dbe better if it displayed below the chart where there is empty space. Or an option for this.
George Smyth
over 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Need ability for custom roadmap to show bars for initiatives that have defined end date and some other treatment (e.g. dots) for initiatives that are in future but have no end date defined. E.g. Status is backlog, or assessing/estimating. This was...
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I want to save a modified portfolio roadmap directly to a notebook, like you can do for other product timeline or feature list.
Currently I first need to add my modified product timeline to a new notebook entry, go to the notebook, delete the ol...
almost 9 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists