Depending on what you are doing, it might be nice to select the date ranges (versus one month at a time). That way, if I had a two-week push that I wanted to review, I could see just those two weeks. Or, if a content program was starting mid month...
Molly Jane Quinn
over 7 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Hide items associated with time periods when archived
Currently, even though a goal or other item is associated to a time period, when the time period is archived, the goal or item continues to show in dropdown lists for selection which is both cluttered and makes it difficult for users to select the...
Ronnie Merkel
almost 4 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Make the values from the Initiative Chart available to be added as fields to the Initiative Card/Details screen
Make the values from the Initiative Chart available to be added as fields to the Initiative Card/Details screen. The Effort/Value scores are visible in the Initiative Chart but not in the "Details" view.
Phil Dando
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
I would like to change the terminology of the field Comments in Ideas
I can change the terminology from most of the fields in Ideas, and thats great for me that will send these forms to people that not speak English, but now I cant change of the Comments, and that would be nice.
I would also like to change the poss...
Luana Villwock Silva
over 7 years ago
in Ideas / Ideas portal
Future consideration
Email notifications alluding to the subject of the item not just the person
Right now, email notifications are presented in a "such-and-such created a to-do", this gives you no indication of what the to do is or why it is relevant, and thus makes it hard to separate the chaff from the wheat of Aha notifications
When creating a list report on our competitors, the competitors are placed on the vertical axis and the competitor fields are listed across the horizontal axis. I would love to be able to switch this, with the competitors across the top and fields...
Bryan Crist
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
We would like to highlight the admin responses we post to Ideas on the Idea Portal landing page, without requiring users to click into the specific idea to see our response. It would better highlight the product team's action in reviewing/respondi...
over 7 years ago
in Ideas / Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
As an admin, it would be helpful to have a report that would show all required fields by area - e.g. require fields for workspace, epic, feature, etc. and including workspace layout. This would help in the analysis of what fields are used and requ...
Wayland Fox
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration