Allow ability to mark a "To-Do" as "Unassigned" instead of defaulting to the user who wrote the Feature Card
As the Project Mgr for my Dev team, I oftentimes am the one driving the planning sessions and writing the Feature cards. Currently, any To-Dos written on a Feature Card are assigned to me automatically since I'm the one writing the card/to-do. I w...
Danette Colin
over 7 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Just like the progress charts for a release, we need progress (burndown) charts for goals across slices of time. We should be able to see scope increasing or decreasing, and the actual progress made by features complete over the same time slices. ...
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow a report header for pivot reports to include a legend for special coloring
i have created pivot reports and can create coloring for certain aspects of the report. But, someone has to look at the configuration of the report to see a legend of what those colors represent. I would like the ability to include the legend on t...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Add the possibility to link individual steps of a User Map. The individual steps can be referenced from various parts of the platform, e.g. Description field of Releases, Strategic Models, etc.
over 3 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Like in Master Features, I would like to be able to see how many points make up an Initiative. This would add up all the Master Features points, and any Features that aren't part of a Master Feature.
Joseph Abromaitis
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Currently the "Create related idea" functionality is allowed for Epics and Features, but not Initiatives. However, Ideas can be promoted to Initiatives, Epics or Features. It is not clear why the relationship between Initiatives and Ideas is allow...
Mousa Mitwasi
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow new clients to start fresh when transitioning from a trial to a paid service
When running through the trial of Aha! It's common for customers to add trial data and configurations to evaluate the tool. Upon transitioning to the paid account we had to manually delete everything and had no option to start with a fresh clean a...
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Add ability to import requirement comments when importing a feature
Requirements can be imported as part of the feature import from CSV routine. The requirement comment field is not included in the possible fields. Aha! users need to be able to keep track of the comments that are being imported and so at the momen...
Steve Dagless
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
As a Product Manager, I would like to filter reports by Last Modified so that it's easier to find reports. I can already filter using Created By, Shared With, and Report Type, and a number of other ways but modified date is not one of them. Stretc...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement