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Test system for SSO/AD Integration

Within our company we have the requirement for every SaaS Solution to have a test system when connection to our internal SSO service. Thus it would be great to have a test version of AHA available with every license. Our current workaround is a 30...
Tom Hohenadl over 3 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Ability to filter to blanks in Pivots

When creating pivots - give the ability to filter to 'blank' to-dos. Currently when creating a pivot you can select to filter to Complete or Pending To-Dos but not blank To -Dos. Because of this if you select one - such as Pending - the pivot will...
Guest over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Duplicate & Link as one step

I want to hit 1 button to duplicate & link, because it's sllloooowww to duplicate a feature and link it to it's original when I have to do it to a lot of features.
Guest over 10 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Respect browser defaults for opening links in new tab

When building web apps that hijack hyperlinks (Event.preventDefault()), please respect the default browser behavior and allow users to open such links in a new tab when using keyboard (e.g., cmd+click) mouse (middle button click) shortcuts.
Guest over 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Make New user message easier to edit and away from security

We have a custom New USer message but when you go to edit it the entire message disappears so if you just want to remove a name you have to reenter the entire message. It is also closely tied to the security area and should be separate so that the...
Guest over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Custom/Configurable Feature Types

Either something similar to the Terminolgoy settings, where the names can be changed or something akin to the Cateogories settings where new ones can be created and managed.
Joe Hart over 3 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Dragging bars in Gantt charts should work in Firefox

Trying to organise features by dragging their bars in a Gantt chart view doesn't work in Firefox. It works it Chrome. Aha should support all major browsers.
Guest over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Already exists

Option to select/de-select product and its releases from showing in searches and filters

We have a large number of products we've archived, so to speak, but don't want to delete. We put them in an "Archived" product line to be able to separate them out. But those products and the releases within them still show up throughout Aha! in v...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

Import Initiatives on product line level

I am creating initiatives on product line level, but am not able to import on product line level. SInce we are going through a migration now, it would be convenient if we could import on product line level and not only on product level.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Application 2 Already exists

Ability to have a noticeboard for communicating news / updates

It would be useful to have a Noticeboard capability available per product where we can publish news and updates to users to drive adoption. Also enabling users to Watch the noticeboard so they are updated instantly on latest news. Examples of news...
Julie Edwards almost 7 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration