We want to automate the user provisioning and make sure we don’t provision users beyond the allocated count.
Hence we want to leverage API to get the allocated user count .
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
It'd be really great to be able to see all outgoing emails that are sent along with a delivery/viewed status.
This would allow us to better support our customers by seeing/ensuring they receive our notifications and in allowing us to audit exactl...
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Hi, We are using Fibonacci sequence for estimating the effort on agile stories (Aha! Features), and we would like to have an option to restrict the values of the Feature's Estimate field to Fibonacci numbers (or some other fixed sequence). Using F...
Surface Goals & Initiatives roll up fields in roadmaps
Currently only 'roll up record name' is available for Goals & Initiatives; all roll up record fields should be available in roadmaps (e.g., Progress / % Complete, Status, etc.)
David O'Hare
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Have more record types as primary record in dependency reports
In the primary record you can only select one record type, and hence visualize only fields from that record. However, you can add filters on other record types. Would be more convenient to also be able to visualize and sort these in the primary re...
Kristof Dewulf
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Epic
Future consideration
On this and many other screens the heading, which consists of the title, type of the view "Starter roadmap", switcher for "Milestones|Epics" and view control buttons, takes the hieight of at least 3 rows of content below (e.g. 3 epic bars). Having...
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Don't display Workflow or Scorecard metrics that aren't being used by any products
Scorecards that are created, but not being used by any products have metrics. Those metrics show up in the Ideas and Features List views as data fields that can be added. This unnecessarily adds to the list of options. The same issue occurs with W...
Suzanne Vaughan
about 10 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement