We have users that create ideas on behalf of customers. It is important to capture the customer name with the idea. Customer is a custom field in IDEA, but it is not available in the idea portal
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Customize look/feel of Feature Details to allow most critical information be visible
We have customized our features with additional fields. We find that most of the time, our feature detail screens result in having a lot of white space with our custom fields scrolling down the right side. Our custom fields tend to have more valua...
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Tean, It would be great if i am able to create scorecard for multiple product and visualise it so i am able to decide which product priotities. currently this feature available at featrure level but not for product
Give certain idea portal users' votes more weight (or give them more votes)
While reviewing ideas with clients and internal stakeholders, I would like some of their votes to count more (or for them to have more votes) than others. For instance, the CEO of the company or the VP of Fundraising's opinion on an idea would cou...
almost 7 years ago
in Voting
Already exists
Ability to add a templated format for user stories
I would like to add a template for the description field (and a text field in general) in order to promote a standard approach to story structure. e.g. AS A.... I WANT... SO THAT. GIVEN...WHEN...THEN
Becca C
over 2 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Add Master Release filtering to the Release Roadmap Report
We use the Release Roadmap to schedule as a Gantt chart to schedule and create dependencies between features. Since a release can contain a lot of features, we bundle related tasks into Master Releases. We would like to be able to filter by Master...
Christian Rodriguez
almost 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Do Not Left Adjust Releases on Feature Roadmap presentation View
When displaying and sharing out the presentation view of my feature roadmap, do not left-adjust all releases on this view. Current Behavior Example: Currently have next 6 releases planned out Only want to publicly share the next 3 releases Only sh...
Add Release Information to an Idea Once it is Shipped.
Because we do not do continuous delivery of our product we would like the ability to add the Release Information to the ideas when the Idea has been Shipped. This would allow our customer to quickly see what Version of the product the idea has bee...
Stephen Morse
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
In the Gantt roadmap while viewing Epics (or Features) would like to color by release to not be the release status color. It would be easier to see which epics are belonging to future releases instead of all a pink/red color for the status.
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists