Provide a way to lock/freeze the Feature Board and Releases so only the Product Owner can change them?
It would be helpful if there was a way to lock/freeze the Feature Board and and at least the Release Content so only the Product Owner can change it. Our Platform has very granular Role specifications for example
Bill Dykas
almost 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
In case of integration (e.g. DevOps integration) there could be some records which should not be modified in Aha (or at least some fields) but only in the integration. All fields can be set to read only via the custom layouts, but title can never ...
Nicola Rolando
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Updating Feature Release when Fix Version of an Epic in Jira is made
As a user of Jira, we update the Fix Version of Epics. This does not reflect in Aha! in the Release unless we also add some data in another field such as description. This is very frustrating for users of Jira and Aha! as they should be able to up...
over 5 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Provide the ability for the "assigned to avatar" to be a reportable element
On my roadmaps and reports, I would like to be able to visually show an avatar to represent who the record is assigned to. On roadmaps in particular, I would like to show an avatar inside the bar to represent that this person is assigned to the wo...
Ron Yang
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Display Idea submitter's name (only) in Idea reports
Can we change "Idea Created By" to just show the user's name, and not also include the email address? Perhaps create a new field called "Idea Created By Email". Reason:Clients LOOOOOOVE the Idea Portal. We have created a report showing the submitt...
Manny Ju
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Release filters in Team Epics board view able to remove/edit
This is inhibiting Please move the Release filter from a locked filter that can't be edited to a add/remove filter to allow us to narrow releases down automatically based on other filters. Currently it's a unmoveable filter and we need the ability...
Steven Schafer
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
List report of all users w/in my product line and the workspaces under it
We recently went through a reorg and have users that are either no longer with the company, have changed roles/responsibilities, etc. that will need their access/permissions changed which will result in a cost savings for the paid subscriptions. I...
Karla Johnson
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
today, there is a history of ever little change made to a description in a feature or an idea but I would would argue that understanding changes to a roadmap has more value to users. Use Case: For some reason the folder and the custom roadmap view...
Karla Johnson
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I would like to show a hierarchy of pivot reports where the main-rows represent the hierarchy of product lines and workspaces and the main-columns represent the product lines/workspaces at that level. The use case is that I would like to show how ...
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Already exists