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Shorten the Jira URL in cards layout

Make Jira urls clickeable and short in features->board card layouts
Guest over 2 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Configure Tags: Ability to Merge and Archive Tags

Tags can be used in reporting and filtered against. However, there is an ability to have the same tag listed multiple times or named slightly different because of case sensitivity. If I use a tag "Impact" for 5 features, but there are a 2 features...
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 4 Already exists

Ship more Sub Releases at time

Having more than 1500 products it is time consuming to ship Sub releases one by one. It would be very helpful to select all (or at least a number) of them at the same time
Monica Rossi over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Will not implement

Let Zapier Integration create Notes

Sometimes notes are taken outside of Aha (by customers, testers, users, project members, etc.) I'd be great if we could use the "Actions" dropdown to convert an Idea into a Note
jenny miller almost 10 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow resizing of the Release Phase Column & Reorder Release Phases on Release Details Page

1. Allow resizing Release Phase Column on the Release Details Page Quite frequently our Release Phase names are longer than the default width of the Release Phase column on the Release Details Page. E.g. "Planning Sprint 0 (TFS-0)" does not fit o...
Alex B almost 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

API Endpoint to pull specific custom fields

Would be useful for us to have a GET API endpoint where we can pass it specific custom fields we want instead of pulling back all custom fields.
Guest over 2 years ago in API 0 Future consideration

Capture multiple ideas at once via ideas portal (without repetition)

We need a more efficient way to capture multiple ideas at once via the ideas portal - so customers and colleagues don't have to repeat all the information (like product reference, tags, version, user role, date ...) for each of the ideas. Expectat...
Beatrice Behnisch over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ability to Edit Dependency Types

Ability to edit Dependency types within the link. Currently, user needs to delete dependency and create new one. For example, as a user, if I label a dependency "Depends on" and the dependency type should be "relates to", I should be able to chang...
Josh Tambor almost 5 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Future consideration

Report on Archived Products - Enable vs Disable

We want to be able to generate an ongoing report that would show ‘enabled or disabled’ ideas portals. Use Case: we need to be able to search our archived products and determine if they are using ‘enabled’ idea portals so we can disable them.
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Provide sorting capability for custom fields (tags and Choice lists)

We have a large client list and when a feature has been requested by a client, we associate the client to the feature. With a long list of clients, being able to sort the Alphabetically (ascending/descending) would make choosing the Clients far ea...
Jerrold Emery over 7 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists