It can be confusing to know where your fields will display while in the pivot table. Should this be a column or a cell? Having a preview to let you know you're on the right track would be helpful.
Carol Lin Vieira
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Option to select 'contains goal/initiative' when defining lists/pivots/charts
Hot of the heels of we quickly saw a need to be able to have a higher level goal/initiative as the primary record and be able to choose a 'contains goal/initiative' option. The use case for this is to be ...
Steve Dagless
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Be able to create a new note as a child of a current parent
When creating a note, I often intend it to be a child of another note. Today I must drag it under the parent after creating it. Please make it easy to decide whether a new note should be a child of an existing note. (There is no category for Notes...
Brian Trombley
over 4 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Customize look/feel of Feature Details to allow most critical information be visible
We have customized our features with additional fields. We find that most of the time, our feature detail screens result in having a lot of white space with our custom fields scrolling down the right side. Our custom fields tend to have more valua...
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Aha Estimate vs Allocation - Resource/Dev Planning
We need to know that when we put in annual planning estimates for requested initiatives/features and we only get partially funded that we can refer to the same place to see the difference. Original estimated time vs allocated funded time.
Each change of a due date in my To-Dos list view take 4 clicks to expand the task, navigate to the date, change the date, and collapse the task. I just want to change the date so I can move a to-do to the next day or the next week... or pull up on...
Richard Price
over 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Allow to pull product value from feature board to idea board
Our team has been heavily using the feature board and has been placing any backlog items/ideas into the parking lot. We are now expanding our use of Aha and want to use the Idea board. So transferring all of the ideas with all of their information...
We recently instituted SSO on our Aha account, but currenlty have a couple of dozens folks who have the typical username/PW login profile active. I'd like to make a universal/batch change to force all users to log in via SSO, however there is no c...
Joe Carpenter
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Link called "Releases Assigned to You" in weekly email summary should link me to a page showing ALL my releases at once.
Seems odd that "Releases assigned to you" shows only 1 release no matter how many are assigned to me. I understand that in the drop down, I can see ALL releases assigned to me and then select each one (individually) but I would rather see a list o...