Bug: Reorganizing features in Gantt produces different results for each user
1) Take a release with 4-5 features 2) On a gantt roadmap, reorganize (sort) the features differently 3) As a different user, view the gantt chart The order of the features are not the same between both users and becoming annoying.
Austin Rappaport
about 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Give certain idea portal users' votes more weight (or give them more votes)
While reviewing ideas with clients and internal stakeholders, I would like some of their votes to count more (or for them to have more votes) than others. For instance, the CEO of the company or the VP of Fundraising's opinion on an idea would cou...
Make the proxy vote default field labels customizable
Our employees will soon be able to submit votes on behalf of customers through our private employee Ideas site. The existing proxy voting form only allows them to select an organization, a description, a link, the "value" (which isn't defined), an...
Brian Trombley
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Provide an Idea Detail Card that can be customized
We can customize most cards: Initiatives, Release, Features, Requirements, and To Do, but we cannot customizer the Ideas. It would be great to have the ability to customize the detail card of the Idea similarly to have we can customize other detai...
Roger Octobre
over 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Add additional step to confirm changing capacity units
When changing the Capacity units, the caution text can be overlooked. "Caution: changing the units will clear the estimates for all features in the milestone and make the time tracking history show invalid information." Adding a separate confirmat...
Craig Pflumm
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
We have users that create ideas on behalf of customers. It is important to capture the customer name with the idea. Customer is a custom field in IDEA, but it is not available in the idea portal
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
In the Gantt roadmap while viewing Epics (or Features) would like to color by release to not be the release status color. It would be easier to see which epics are belonging to future releases instead of all a pink/red color for the status.
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Display statistics on the number of page views for notes over a period of time (Info > Notes)
This would be valuable for maintenance purposes as it would help to identify notes that can be archived as well as notes that may be underutilized and would benefit from some internal marketing.
Matt Case
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Add Master Release filtering to the Release Roadmap Report
We use the Release Roadmap to schedule as a Gantt chart to schedule and create dependencies between features. Since a release can contain a lot of features, we bundle related tasks into Master Releases. We would like to be able to filter by Master...
Christian Rodriguez
almost 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists