The competitor functionality right now represents the company rather than the products it markets, with products being represented as bullet points in the description. You therefore can't do things like e.g. have different pricing or strengths/wea...
almost 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Be able to create a new note as a child of a current parent
When creating a note, I often intend it to be a child of another note. Today I must drag it under the parent after creating it. Please make it easy to decide whether a new note should be a child of an existing note. (There is no category for Notes...
Brian Trombley
over 4 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Currently when deactivating a user, the user then becomes 'greyed' out. This isn't readily obvious due to coloring, resolution, etc.
Suggestion is to clearly annotate the user with a Joe Smith - Deactivated or something similar
Joe Carpenter
almost 9 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
A way to group specific status into one, and report on it
I am trying to create a ‘splash’ for our customers before they log into our idea site.
I want to play up the ideas that they have entered, and how many of these ideas were actually developed. A ‘hey! Look what we have done based on your suggestion...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Customize fiscal calendar by year as well as month
We have a fiscal year which starts in March, but it's leading rather than lagging. Therefore, FY17 starts March 1, 2016. However, reports reflect March 1, 2016 as FY16
Improve the response time of search when linking records where there are 100s of results
When using the type ahead search to link records or "Roll up" to initiatives/goals the response of the search can be very slow, making the user experience frustrating. When you initially select the field in a record, it can take a few seconds to l...
Andrew Brooks
over 4 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
Ability to select workspace owner/contributor when setting automations
Our use case: We are creating automations where when an initiative is placed in status at risk, we generate an email alert to the owner of the workspace. Currently we need to do this by name specifically, but it would make it more scalable to be a...
I often find myself wanting to use different tables for different records. While the record template is nice, when clicking "Add Table" I would love to be able to select template tables and easily drop them in. For example, a "User Story" which on...
Sam S
about 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Whitelisted IP addresses are no longer good protection from hackers and spam as the IP addresses can be spoofed. The best practice for email is to add SPF/DKIM records to security policies - is this something you are able to support as our users a...
Ian Mason
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists